Two little eyes discovering what's new

Two little hands touching everything in view

A sweet little voice asking you why

A mischievous smile and a whimpering cry

Two little feet jumping on the floor

A toddler's mission is to explore

As tiring as it can be keeping up with a toddler, I absolutely love the stage we are in right now with Reagan and would not trade it for the world. She wakes up as happy as can be and she never stops going until we can convince her it is time for bed. Her personality and speech have really exploded over the last two months. She has become extremely outgoing in social situations and is much more sure of herself and her surroundings. Her language skills now consist of three and four word sentences which is major progress, considering where we were in September. I know speech therapy really helped, but I think sending her to daycare has had a tremendous impact with the socialization side of things. Time is flying and things seem to be changing so rapidly. It seems like yesterday I stepped off that plane with a helpless little baby in my arms, yet a year and a half has passed us by and today, that helpless little baby has turned into an independent toddler.
I am in San Antonio this week on business and I am already missing all three of my babies.
Luckily, this is a quick trip and by Thursday, I will be smooching their adorable little faces:)
Have a great week everyone!
I agree. What a fun stage!
It's so amazing to see Reagan's progress. She's blossoming, and it shows! :)
Have a great week.
I love the stage that Reagan is in. L is 5 and all grown up. She swears she's a teenager, but I sure do remember the stage you are talking about. Loved it!
I remember that stage fondly. So much fun and so exhausting. Rest up, I'm sure she'll have a couple new tricks when you get home.
I am enjoying this stage to the fullest too. It won't take long anymore before our littlest one will go to school like his brother and sister. He says he's ready. I am not sure though if I am ;-)
Beautiful pictures!
Some of these expressions remind me of Mia. These two would have so much fun together! Reagan is blossoming. And it's beautiful to watch :)
You are right to soak it all up. It is truly a special stage of discovery and wonder.
Reagan is darling!! Wish you were a little closer than San Antonio!! I'd come see you. Harry has a JudO tournament there on Saturday!
Love these of Reagan. It captures every essence of TODDLERHOOD!!!
I love San Antonio!! Enjoy the sites and great food!!!
It is a such a great time! I love having a actual conversations. Love those pictures of Reagan!
I heartily agree Lisa...fun stage and tiring on some levels but it's definitely an age of great emotional and physical growth!! You can really tell she's a happy girl.
Love her in pink and those sunglasses are to die for. Too cute!!
Enjoy San Antonio!!
She is really growing up! She is beautiful and you can tell in these photos how much more confident she is and oh so happy and adorable!
Gorgeous shots! Beautiful girl who has the world by its tail!
I agree Lisa those are the days! Precious! Beautiful photos with an adorable little one!
I agree Lisa those are the days! Precious! Beautiful photos with an adorable little one!
I agree Lisa those are the days! Precious! Beautiful photos with an adorable little one!
Oh my goodness these are such gorgeous photos Lisa! I think they are my favorites of Raegan ever!!! Such a fun age indeed ;)
She is so cute!
Oh Lisa, these are a GORGEOUSset of photos!
You've done such a good job with Reagan, it's clear to see that she's thriving in your loving family. It's great to see how her confidence and happiness has grown, from the fearful, insecure little girl she was at first. And great to hear that her speech is coming on too.
You're right, this is a lovely stage, and we explore the world all over again through their eyes.
Hope your week goes well (and quickly to Thurs!)
Sweet photos of a sweet toddler!
Great pics! Toddler years are THE BEST!!!
She is soooo adorable!!
And you are right! My baby will be three this April and I absolutely enjoy this stage in her life. :)
Stunning! Again... Give them a smooch extra from me if you're done and still want some more! Hang in there, I would be having a very hard time too!
Love her chubby hands and feet!
Hope you have a good week and a safe trip back to this cutie!
She is so gorgeous in pink! Funny, if you ask Gracie what colour something is, she will say "pink, thats my favourite" to everything! :)
You are so right, this stage is just the best Lisa - I fall into bed very night exhausted but happy - just thinking about all the special little things Gracie has done or said through the day!
I hope your week flies by and you get home to your family soon. D
What a great poem! Did you make it up?
What a girl. She brought a big old grin to my face!
Happy Tuesday!
Has it really been 1.5 years? it seems like yesterday.
she is a light!
Reagan looks sooo pretty in pink! Cute pictures!
Hope you survive your week away!
Gorgeous photos of your baby!!! I SO hope I can take your photog class soon!!! XO
It may sound crazy but she looks so much like sarah in those first few photos. They are both gorgeous!
She is sooo stinking adorable I can't even stand it..and I love the Sassy lil 'tude she's showing lately. It really is a fun stage.
Gin =)
She is getting cuter by the minute!!!!!! I so wish she and Emme could be pals.. They would be have soooo much fun!!!!!! She is PRECIOUS!!!!!
I hope you are having a little fun in San Antonio!!!
Love every single shot of this little firecracker! Nothing in the world is sweeter!!
Safe travels my friend...you're almost home!
These are adorable Lisa!! I really love seeing that personality just shining through - especially in that last one. Hope your trip goes well. "See" you Friday
Some of my favorite pics of Reagan ever! Beautiful and her personality is shining through.
Just look at Ms. Reagan "rock'in" the camera. She is the cutest "fashionista" in all of her pink glory!
Tooooooo Cute!
God Bless,
Oh my goodness these are adorable shots!!!! Toddlerhood is a great time, yes tiring but oh so fun! The change in Reagan is visible...she looks so full of happiness and pure joy. Glad things are well!
How in the world did I miss this???? SOOO CUTE!
So Pretty !
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