I have been a little technology challenged this week and in turn, I am way behind on blog reading and photo editing. After wavering back and forth for over a year, I finally made the switch to a MAC, and I literally feel like I am working with one hand tied behind my back. This girl has been a PC user her entire life, so I have been a little frustrated and slow to pick things up.
The new MACBook Pro arrived 2 weeks ago(compliments of the best boss in the world), and even though I was super excited about it, I sort of pushed it aside and refused to shutdown my trusty Dell.
Early this week, I finally received the MAC versions of my photo editing software, so I knew it was time to say goodbye to my old friend and start getting myself acclimated with the new one!
I won't lie.... I have had my moments of complete frustration, but I am hopeful that like everyone else I know, I will fall in LOVE with my MAC and will never want to go back to PC land.
So, the plan was to have Nick's graduation photos up here by now, but I need a little more time. They should be ready by this weekend.
For now, I want to share my new favorite photo of Sarah......

I was getting ready for work and Sarah and Reagan were in my closet in their pjs playing dress up. They both love to go explore in there and they usually go after my shoes and jewelry, but this particular morning, they got into my scarves. Sarah liked this one because it had a lot of hot pink in it.....one of her favorite colors.
When I saw what they were up to, I grabbed my camera to snap a few of her near the window. I snapped three to be exact..... and this one was hands down the winner. I know I am completely biased because I am her Mom, but when I saw this photo, I was completely awestruck by her radiant beauty. It hit me hard how much this little girl has grown up and that in about 12 weeks, I am going to be sending her off to Kindergarten. Gosh, how did that happen so fast? So many new things ahead for her this year!
We are also about to experience another first for Sarah...... she came home from daycare last night with her first loose tooth!! And after giving it the wiggle test, I am guessing the tooth-fairy will be making a visit sometime early next week:)
Okay, I have to run, it is off to work for me.....5pm cannot get here fast enough!!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and Happy Father's Day!

The new MACBook Pro arrived 2 weeks ago(compliments of the best boss in the world), and even though I was super excited about it, I sort of pushed it aside and refused to shutdown my trusty Dell.
Early this week, I finally received the MAC versions of my photo editing software, so I knew it was time to say goodbye to my old friend and start getting myself acclimated with the new one!
I won't lie.... I have had my moments of complete frustration, but I am hopeful that like everyone else I know, I will fall in LOVE with my MAC and will never want to go back to PC land.
So, the plan was to have Nick's graduation photos up here by now, but I need a little more time. They should be ready by this weekend.
For now, I want to share my new favorite photo of Sarah......

I was getting ready for work and Sarah and Reagan were in my closet in their pjs playing dress up. They both love to go explore in there and they usually go after my shoes and jewelry, but this particular morning, they got into my scarves. Sarah liked this one because it had a lot of hot pink in it.....one of her favorite colors.
When I saw what they were up to, I grabbed my camera to snap a few of her near the window. I snapped three to be exact..... and this one was hands down the winner. I know I am completely biased because I am her Mom, but when I saw this photo, I was completely awestruck by her radiant beauty. It hit me hard how much this little girl has grown up and that in about 12 weeks, I am going to be sending her off to Kindergarten. Gosh, how did that happen so fast? So many new things ahead for her this year!
We are also about to experience another first for Sarah...... she came home from daycare last night with her first loose tooth!! And after giving it the wiggle test, I am guessing the tooth-fairy will be making a visit sometime early next week:)
Okay, I have to run, it is off to work for me.....5pm cannot get here fast enough!!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and Happy Father's Day!

She is radiant. And I can't believe she will be in kindergarten either. I guess it makes sense since Sophia is heading off to first grade in the Fall. Have a wonderful weekend!
This photo is fantastic, Lisa! And Sarah definitely is a beauty! Just look at her eyes!
Have fun with your MAC, I'm sure it won't take too long to get used to it. I have a MacBook at home and have to work on a PC in the office and thus appreciate my Mac even more... :-)
That photo is stunning and sad to say she looks about 8! She is breathtaking...those eyes! Have a blessed weekend!
Xoxo Jill
Lisa, that photo of Sarah is stunning. She looks so grown up and beautiful as always.
Congrats to her on losing her tooth. We lost one over here just yesterday, too!
Enjoy your Mac. We have both in this house. Hubs converted to all Mac a year ago...still trying to get me to jump ship too. Still holding off.
Have a great weekend!
Radiant is the perfect word to describe her here. I think you're getting a glimpse of Sarah in a few years!!
Have a wonderful weekend...
What a fabulous photo!!! She is absolutely radiant!
Sarah is a beautiful little girl! How much fun they must have in your closet! A girls dream:)
This shot is simply STUNNING!! Your girl is gorgeous and your work inspires me.
Love it!! She is gorgeous.
She really is stunning Lisa! They do grow up way too fast. I'm feeling the same way about Liam starting Kindergarten in the fall. :-(
I'm getting ready to run out the door. Will PM you later and give you all the details of what's been going on around here this week. It's been a crazy one.
When I saw this on IG the other day I nearly fell over- I can't believe how grown up she looks. STUNNING shot!!!!
Hope you all have a glorious Father's Day weekend! HUGS!!!
What a photo! I love it!
What a great shot, and beautiful child (unbiased). I love her expression, she is posing for the picture but is somewhat bothered by the interruption.
Beautiful little Sarah! She's simply gorgeous and it's great that you are able to capture her beauty "in the moment".
As for the Mac, you'll love once you get used to it. I'll help like I told you. It's an amazing piece of technology.
Okay I'm loving all your songs and might just sit here all day listening to them lol. But off to try and make it to Fav. Friday pics.
Enjoy your day.
I seriously didn't even recognize Sarah in this image! Stunning. I LOVE my iMac (Screen is HUGE! Great for pics) and just this week I bought the Macbook Pro to take with me on vacations. Everyone else in my house is PC. We bought Gene a Mac a couple of years ago and he only uses his Windows laptop now. Sigh...lol. ENJOY. You will never want to touch a PC again!
Lovely ~ can't wait to see a toothless photo . Happy Father's Day wknd and thank you for the linky.
Just gorgeous, Lisa. I can see why you love it so! She is stunning and those eyes! OH MY!
P.S. You are gonna looooooove your Mac. Just wait and see... you'll wonder why you waited so long :)
I honestly didn't recognize Sarah at first. I knew it had to be her but it didn't' register immediately because its one of those shots where you really get a glimpse of how she will look when she's older.
Simply stunning......LOVE IT!
What a beauty!! You are not biased at all -- she is so beautiful!!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
Beautiful picture; beautiful girl! Happy weekend Lisa!
Lisa, I gasped when I saw this photo...she is a radiant, gorgeous, stunning girl.
And, more important, she is just as fantastic on the inside as she is on the outside.
Great photo, I love the light in it!
Have a lovely weekend, and I'm sure by Monday you'll be in love with that Mac!
So gorgeous, I love the way you capture the natural light in your photography!
Breathtaking!! Sarah is truly a gorgeous blue-eyed beauty!! I don't know if I'm ready for the "wiggly-tooth" phase. It has ALWAYS made me cry, because that was the LAST inkling of babyhood! Wishing you a wonderful weekend Lisa!
Lisa , Sarah radiates a natural almost fragile beauty, this photo is stunning. Hope the MAC soon wins you over. Have a great weekend.
What a BEAUTIFUL photo of a beautiful girl!!!! I love it. I felt like that too when I switched to a Mac about 4 years ago. It was very awkward for a little bit. Now, I cannot imagine going back.
I also LOVE the balloon photos. I have been wanting to do a birthday shoot of Kate like that this week but we have not had time!!! Plus it is so stinking hot here.
What a beautiful photo!
Sweet,sweet Sarah....oh my goodness Lisa, you captured her innocence and her beauty and so much more in this gorgeous photo. So beautiful my friend!
Enjoy your Father's Day weekend:)
God Bless,
She looks so grown up.
I love MAcs because they are iconic and so easy to use. Why did you switch if you loved your PC?
Beautiful shot!!! Her eyes are gorgeous! I had a huge learning curve with my mac too but now wouldn't trade it for the world! XO
Absolutely breathtaking! And looking so grown up in this photo.
Gin =)
Love that you have the James Blunt song playing with this post, just as he sings: You're beautiful, you're beautiful it's true...
She is stunning.
What a fabulous picture of Sarah. I especially love her eyes!
Carson and Kamree are at the overnight babysit swap tonight so we enjoyed dining out and eating on the patio. Our house is so quiet and clean too!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Hi!! Yes she really is beautiful....Im a big James Blunt fan :)
Sarah is getting so grown up Lisa, you can really see in this photo how she is going to look as a teenager.
this photo is truly breathtaking. she is so lovely and the lighting is amazing!!
When you realize you haven't seen the blue screen of death in forever, you love the MAC. If you live near an Apple store they have great intro to mac classes.
She is so so beautiful! Wonderful capture! WOW. ;)
She looks very vogue...her connection to the camera is worth a million bucks
Gorgeous, gorgeous! What a stunner. Wow!
I hope you do fall in love with your mac. I made the switch when I worked in advertising years ago and I could never own a PC. Mac's just seem more intuitive and work when they're supposed. At least in my experience. Change can be tough though ;)
She looks like Dakota Fanning. How on earth do you get people's eyes to sparkle like you do?
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