Well, this is starting to become routine and it is mostly because I have had very little time to pick up the big camera during the work week. So once again, my favorite moments were captured by my Iphone and not my dslr.

The girls have been into dress up a lot these days and the other morning Reagan decided she wanted to wear her Halloween Costume from last year. She ended up having a "Minnie Meltdown" when she realized the fancy light up shoes that went with the costume no longer fit her feet. Can you say Spicy? This girl is as sweet as sugar, but that sugar can turn to spice in a matter of seconds. She can be very strong-willed at times and this morning was one of them....... There was no reasoning with her.

After my outing with Nick on Sunday, I came home to find the girls playing on the deck. Pat cleaned out their pool and filled it up withcold fresh water. He had just given them the green light to go in and they were "testing the water". I thought it was such a cute moment.
A meeting of the minds before they decided to take the plunge!

This week I logged some major miles behind the wheel. I spent all day Tuesday in NYC with my boss visiting a very large potential client. Unfortunately, I did not have time to do much exploring, but I took a few shots at stoplights through my windshield. The one on the left was taken on Park Avenue and the one on the right was taken on Fifth Avenue. There was a time in my life I would have never driven myself into the city. I usually took the bus each time I went in, but with my GPS telling me where to go, I now feel confident and secure. The masses of people that just dart across the street in front of your car still make me nervous at times, but I am beginning to get used to it.

After returning home very late on Tuesday night, I had to wake up and get myself out the door by 6am the next morning. My destination was Philly this time. I was tired and knew I was in for a LONG day. As I traveled up the road behind our house, I noticed the sun rising above the cornfields and there was fog everywhere. I stopped the car and jumped out to get this shot and it might be my absolute fav of the week.

Yesterday was "Hat Day" for the girls. When they woke up and got dressed, they each picked out a hat to wear to school. Pat usually drops them off and while he was getting ready to head out, they sat quietly in our bedroom reading at the foot of the chaise lounge. Notice in the upper righthand corner, Reagan is holding her Barbie Cellphone while she is "reading". That phone goes everywhere with her.... she has even slept with it a few nights. You would think the thing really works:)

I bopped out of work just a little early yesterday so I could pick up the girls and go meet some very special friends for a play date. The weather did not exactly cooperate, so we had to move to the nearest indoor play center.
The girls had a blast and it was definitely the highlight of our week!
It has been a long work week for me and I am happy it is quickly coming to an end.
I am looking forward to a little R and R this weekend and a trip to the new boutique.
I need to do an update soon..... things are REALLY coming along!
~Happy Friday Everyone~
Since I had my blog freshened up, I thought that maybe it was time for a new button. I decided to design a bookmark for Favorite Photo Friday instead. I think it turned out kind of cute and matches the new look. Feel free to grab it for your posts.

The girls have been into dress up a lot these days and the other morning Reagan decided she wanted to wear her Halloween Costume from last year. She ended up having a "Minnie Meltdown" when she realized the fancy light up shoes that went with the costume no longer fit her feet. Can you say Spicy? This girl is as sweet as sugar, but that sugar can turn to spice in a matter of seconds. She can be very strong-willed at times and this morning was one of them....... There was no reasoning with her.

After my outing with Nick on Sunday, I came home to find the girls playing on the deck. Pat cleaned out their pool and filled it up with
A meeting of the minds before they decided to take the plunge!

This week I logged some major miles behind the wheel. I spent all day Tuesday in NYC with my boss visiting a very large potential client. Unfortunately, I did not have time to do much exploring, but I took a few shots at stoplights through my windshield. The one on the left was taken on Park Avenue and the one on the right was taken on Fifth Avenue. There was a time in my life I would have never driven myself into the city. I usually took the bus each time I went in, but with my GPS telling me where to go, I now feel confident and secure. The masses of people that just dart across the street in front of your car still make me nervous at times, but I am beginning to get used to it.

After returning home very late on Tuesday night, I had to wake up and get myself out the door by 6am the next morning. My destination was Philly this time. I was tired and knew I was in for a LONG day. As I traveled up the road behind our house, I noticed the sun rising above the cornfields and there was fog everywhere. I stopped the car and jumped out to get this shot and it might be my absolute fav of the week.

Yesterday was "Hat Day" for the girls. When they woke up and got dressed, they each picked out a hat to wear to school. Pat usually drops them off and while he was getting ready to head out, they sat quietly in our bedroom reading at the foot of the chaise lounge. Notice in the upper righthand corner, Reagan is holding her Barbie Cellphone while she is "reading". That phone goes everywhere with her.... she has even slept with it a few nights. You would think the thing really works:)

I bopped out of work just a little early yesterday so I could pick up the girls and go meet some very special friends for a play date. The weather did not exactly cooperate, so we had to move to the nearest indoor play center.
The girls had a blast and it was definitely the highlight of our week!
It has been a long work week for me and I am happy it is quickly coming to an end.
I am looking forward to a little R and R this weekend and a trip to the new boutique.
I need to do an update soon..... things are REALLY coming along!
~Happy Friday Everyone~
Since I had my blog freshened up, I thought that maybe it was time for a new button. I decided to design a bookmark for Favorite Photo Friday instead. I think it turned out kind of cute and matches the new look. Feel free to grab it for your posts.
looks like even the the week was busy you took some time to enjoy the good things in your life. I love that.
Happy Friday to you!
PS. Love the new look! LOVE!
You are most certainly a busy girl! Love the city shots. GPS or not, all those crowds would make me a nervous wreck to drive in! My dad is actually on a business trip in NY City this week. :)
Love Miss R's little "mini meltdown" - LOL!
Loving their hats, so super cute!
Your photos and posts are always so fun and adventurous! My girl has a 'cell phone with her all the tme too, but it's a Cinderella phone. lol
Love seeing the phone pics here & on IG. It's like reality tv- I get to see the "real" stuff that doesn't make it to the big camera. I think sometimes the phone pics are more intimate & personal & look deeper inside your life because they often capture the moments you were not expecting.
ABSOLUTELY ADORE the new bookmark button
That photo of your early morning mist with the stretch of road actually gave me goosebumps, in a good one... what a shot!
Love the others too, of course. :)
Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you ladies!
Gina, I agree with you 100% about instagram and I think that is why I am completely addicted to it.
I often find myself wanting to get in there and blow up the photos so I can see more of the detail while viewing photos that pop up in my instagram feed. By posting the photos here in a bigger format, you can see more of the little things that you might miss on IG.
You have been a busy girl! Hope your weekend is nice and relaxing!
Hehe, I can't help but giggle at Reags' Minnie meltdown, spicy girl for sure!!
Love the NYC pics and that sunrise shot is AMAZING! You gotta love that the iPhone can take such great shots because let's face it, we ALWAYS have them with us! :)
Happy weekend, girlie, glad you survived your crazy week. Won't be long until we'll both be heading for the beach, I am beyond ready!
PS- ask Sarah if I can borrow that pink hat, it would match my new swimsuit perfectly! :)
Love all of these but especially the NYC ones...I feel the same way about driving in Chicago, my GPS gets me in and out and I'm not so nervous about getting lost.
Can't wait to read/see your update on what's going on with your boutique!
Have a fabulous weekend Lisa!!
Beautiful Captures this week and what a journey from NY to Philly!
Busy week ... love the photos..
and I want to have a play date with all 4 of those amazing girls.. you are blessed ...
have a great weekend..
Lisa...as much as I love all your kid's pictures...the sunrise on the road is STUNNING! What moment...and on your iphone to boot. Amazing. This should be your brand picture.
So glad we got our phone catch-up in early this week - considering how busy it got. Hope you get some rest this week-end!
Your photography is just beautiful, and so are your little girls!
Love the contrast between the NYC photos & the road behind your house! And the " Minnie meltdown" made me smile with empathy as I have sooooo been there!!
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Can totally relate to the spicy girl issues. Mia is 22 mths old now and hitting the "terrible two's" something fierce. God help me. LOL!
Love all your shots. But the NYC ones make me want to jump on a plane and go there...
You've inspired me to check out Instagram. :)
Great photos. Love the new button/bookmark and your new look. Love seeing your photos on instagram. That sunrise is amazing.
Just the thought of driving in such a busy place makes me nervous!!
Cooool photos!
Have a fun weekend!
Love all the great shots you captured this week with IG...what a blessing that little guy has become!
Can't wait to hear all about the boutique and all the great things happening
The new button rocks!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
I hope you get a lot of R&R this weekend:) Love the shot with the sun coming up...looks so peaceful!
Love Teri
I always have to laugh when SOMEONE ELSE'S kid is having a mini meltdown, and not mine LOL. Love the new blog design. :)
Really love the photo of the fog & the sun coming up over the cornfields. Just stunning!
I adore the Minnie meltdown... so glad to see that our daily meltdowns are not alone... she's adorable even upset!
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