I am head over heels in love with this hat!
It has been sitting on my dresser for weeks just waiting to be packed for our upcoming trip to Cape Cod.

I couldn't stand it any longer and grabbed it last night as we walked out the door for a photoshoot.
I figured we would give it a test run before we hit the beach:)

The shoot was actually for Reagan, she has a very special day coming up this week. Sarah was not planning to come along with us and then just as we were ready to walk out the door, she decided she wanted to come join in the fun.

We headed to a location that we have not visited in years.
These red doors were the backdrop to our Christmas card back in 2008 and I thought they would work perfectly for what I was planning to do with Reagan. This is just a preview of what is yet to come, you will have to wait until Thursday to see the rest.

When I saw this hat online, I purchased it with Reagan in mind, but I have to say, last nights test run is making me think differently.
As soon as Sarah put it on her head, she turned on the Sass(She must take after Aunt Marla).
I think it looks absolutely adorable on her..... my girl wears it well!!
Camera: Canon 5d Markiii
Lens: 50mm f1.2
The settings for the top photo were:
f 2.0
SS 1/250
ISO 100
I am normally not a cropper, but that first photo seemed to have too much dead space and I made it more square for a little more visual interest. If you have been paying attention to my camera settings each week, you notice I like to shoot very wide open most of the time. By selectively focusing on your subjects eyes, you can still maintain a sharp focus on the subject while getting that dreamy blurred out background that so many love!
I tried some new things processing this series and don't have time to share right now, but I promise I will in the coming weeks!
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!
We have a busy day that will end with a celebration for my sister's birthday over at my parent's house. The girls are super excited to see their cousins and we are all looking forward to a night of good food and fun with our family.

Make sure you swing by Stef's blog to see more Sunday Snapshots.
She is so adorable! Love the hat!
She looks 9 in that hat! It was fitting that "never grow up" was playing in the background when I was looking at your page. Beautiful.
Oh my goodness, Sarah's eyes are sooooo very beautiful! These photos are absolutely stunning Lisa! She is growing up toooooo fast! Sarah is taking right after her big brother when it comes to modeling...they both definately have "the look":))) GORGEOUS!
Enjoy your Sunday!
God Bless,
Nothings more adorable than a little girl in a hat. You go Sarah!! Very beautiful work Lisa!!
These are beautiful as always. I'm sure the countdown to Kindergarten is on at your house and she really looks like a Kindergartener in these pictures.
Hehe, she is definitely rocking the sassy hat look, I love love love it!! Funny that this shoot was going to just be for Reags, you've got yourself a little model in the making here, I think. :)
Can't wait to see Reags' shots for her big day! I know they'll be awesome too!
Happy Sunday girlie!!
lovely shots - I wish I had a red door near me!
She looks great in the hat! Is it me or is her face changing? She's been having a more grown up look to her recently. Beautiful!
boohoo I was thinking what everyone else has been saying - she's growing up way too fast! contrary to what your playlist is requesting :)
she is a beauty!
xo ellie
What a fun photo shoot! Love the hat and dress too! Can't wait to see more!
Huge hat person here. Love this one on Sarah (even though it's meant for Regs). It suits her perfectly. Still can't get over how mature she is looking.
Have a great week!
beautiful captures! :)
Love your new logo at the top of your blog. Sarah is looking so mature.
The hat suits her so well!
Love all these photos Lisa, and the red background is lovely too.
The second last one is absolutely stunning, showing through is a beautiful girl's personality.
WOW Lisa- I can't believe how grown up she looks in these. I feel like I just lost 10 years. Gorgeous- can't wait to see more.
Have a great week!
Sarah wears that hat very well!!! Beautiful photos!!!
Hope you had a great night:)
Love Teri
That hat is FABULOUS! She sure is a natural in front of the camera... love every one of these, Lisa!!
She is such a lovely young lady and the hat suits her perfectly!! I love every single shot!!
Some of my all time fav pics of Sarah! She is stunning!
These photos are absolutely gorgeous and so is your daughter!
Well miss Sarah definitely wears that hat well!! Beautiful captures Lisa...and can't wait to see Reagan coming up soon.
Lisa...here I am browsing your lovely work and I'm loving it! I'm following you on IG (freckledmommy) and decided to pop in here this afternoon to check you out. Lovely work, girl...lovely work. And beautiful family!
(oh, and this dang Taylor Swift song makes me cry!!!)
Love it!! Hope you're having a great week!
that red door...sigh....thank you again for the settings you use Lisa.
Your photos are always so exquisite! I love all of these! So pretty with the red.
Your photography is absolutely amazing. You're very talented :) :) -- Shaleice http://youmeandusblog.blogspot.com/
Those eyes! So beautiful!
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