Nick is halfway through his exams....only two more days to go.
They started last Thursday and the stress is definitely getting to him. I can see it in his demeanor and hear it in his voice. It's so tough.....they know these are their last days, yet they still have to make sure they keep their heads in the game until the bitter end.
We will all be happy when this week is over.

And just as Nick is wrapping up his school year, I am also finishing up my "Push Past Your Comfort Zone", 8 week photography class. Every Sunday, I have been writing the lesson for the coming week and this week's lesson was on Back-lighting, Sun Flares, and Silhouettes. I took Nick in the backyard on Sunday night to do a few quick examples......and ended up really loving these because they are so not my norm.
You can use actions to give your photos sun flare and I DO LOVE using those from time to time, but this class is not about photoshop, it is about achieving things in camera, as I did with these.
I am sort of sad that this 8 week course is coming to an end. I have had such a great time teaching and corresponding each night on facebook with this talented group of ladies. They signed up so I would push them and take their photography skills to the next level......and while doing that, I feel like they also helped to push me as a teacher and a photographer.
Kind of funny how that works:)
The plan was to take a break after this class concluded, but I have decided to run this particular class one more time. Details will be coming soon!
I love these shots!! Gorgeous!
Ok Lisa, these are awesome! And SO freaking cool, too!!! I might be interested in your upcoming class - and I haven't taken a class in a few years, so that's saying something...lol.
Gorgeous photos, I love the little purple tinge in the first one, and somehow it drew my eye to the little flowers to the right. Funny how that works, isn't it?
Lisa, I know what you mean about classes pushing you as a teacher; I gave an aromatherapy course last term, and felt I learned so much from it.
But I take my hat off to you for running another course back-to-back, and that's as well as 3 kids, a full-time job, running a home, getting a studio off the ground... when do you sleep? Oh, and I forgot to say holding down a fantastic blog as well. I honestly don't know how you do it. So if you ever decide to give classes on multitasking, I'll sign up.
Seriously I LOVE these pictures. Good luck to Nick as he pushes through the last few days of school.
I'm SO in for that class. I really need something to push me more. You know where to find me. :)
These are amazing, as usual!! And YAY for another class! I was sad to miss out on the last one, as we were just getting home from China, so I am definitely interested in this next one! :)
These are beautiful Lisa. Absolutely love the sun flare. Hope Nick is able to get through his exams and then enjoy his freedom. He must be so excited that he's almost finished with 8th grade.
Hi Lisa~ I love your sun flare. That last one with the sun between Nick and his guitar is AMAZING! Hang in there Nick... think summer!
Perfect in-camera sunflare, check! Love the guitar too. And your son makes a nice model :) Great photos, Lisa!
These are just great shots of your son! He will appreciate these someday. Just so cool!
Great shots!! Hope the finals are over and the celebrating can begin!
Love these shots....and oh, your Handsome Baby Boy...he is growing so fast....what a LOOKER! This is your Summer, Nicky! xoxo Dita
They are beautiful shots. I am thinking about that class. I need something to push me. Please let me now about it.
Will's graduation is tomorrow morning!
AMAZING shots again Lisa... your photography continues to amaze me.
I'm a back- lighting and sun flare junkie so I love these!
Awesome photos of Nick! Just want to tell EVERYBODY this is an amazing class! I have learned so much in the past 7 weeks. If you want to be "pushed out of your comfort zone" you will LOVE this class...and...you will have sooooo much FUN!!! I'm so sad that we only have one more week:( The time just flew by....I will miss you Lisa and all my classmates! Thank you so much for sharing your talent, always going above and beyond for me and all your students! You are the best teacher EVER!!!!
God Bless,
Lisa, hands down!! You are the DAVID COPPERFIELD of photography!! Your photos are MAGICal!! Everytime I click on your blog, I prepare myself to be amazed!! You NEVER disappoint!! Simply love these of Nick!!
I absolutely ADORE these. I have never liked the end result of adding the flare & haze on my photos & up until this class I had never successfully done it in camera either. So this has been really wonderful to grow in my skill through this class. It has been such a pleasure to work through these last 8 weeks. They have flown by. Each weekend I would eagerly await the email with the lesson plan- so excited to see what we would be working on. It has been so much fun Lisa- I am sad that it's ending. Thank you for all the tools & knowledge you have given me & for our friendship that has grown from it as well!! Hugs!
Wow! Amazing shots..I especially love the last one.
Gin =)
Hi Lisa ~ I know I've missed the boat for your next set of 8 already, but the course sounds just perfect! Only thing I am wondering, for NEXT time you run it, is whether there is any way of participating without sharing images on Facebook? It's just that I have serious concerns about posting quality images on facebook due to their T&C's about images (and ownership of them), so whenever I do post images to my own page I always do so smaller and at a lower res' than I'd ideally share. Would it be possible to share images with you and others via links to flickr images?
Your post said you were going to do this again in the fall. Did you mean you're going to do it again?
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