Aren't they the prettiest girls you have ever seen?
They came in to see what I was opening and of course went crazy when they saw the monster bag of skittles....it wasn't until a couple minutes later that I realized they started clipping the bows in their hair to be funny......they looked hysterical.............once they saw me running to get the camera they said......You're not going to take a picture of us and put it on the blog are you?

Sarah is enjoying her new bows......we have had major difficulty keeping things in her hair up to this point. Everytime I see a picture of Jodee's little girl Kamree, she is sporting one of these cute little bows, so I asked her where she gets them and how she gets them to stay in her hair.........She sent us a big bag of them!! Thank You Jodee....these are wonderful....they are definitely better than any of the bows I have purchased before!
Sarah had a hard time deciding which bow she wanted to put in her hair.....so many choices!
And last but not least.....she was so thoughtful when she made her color selections........look at the one she picked with Pat in mind!!

Boy Jodee.....do you know how to get in good with my husband.....you are golden in his eyes!
Who would have thought that a little party bag and some hair bows would provide this much entertainment for one family......Thank you Jodee!!!
So glad you enjoyed your package. I had a blast picking out bows for Sarah! I love the picture of the boys too!
P.S. Your collage turned out great!
You did what any good blogging Mama would do in grabbing the camera...hilarious pic of the boys in bows!!!
Sarah sport the bows very cutely!!!
Looks like you are having a laugh a minute with Eddie in the house!!
What kids don't like hair bows...boys or a girl! (I see "blackmail" in the future for Nick if Sarah gets her hands on those photos lol)!
That is a great picture of the boys~ in years to come I sure it will bring tons of laughs from them both!!!
Silly boyz! Funny isn't it how boyz get extra credit for being cute when they imatate girlz. lol
Sarah, the bows are darling on you!
Such sily boys! I love bows; luckily I have one girl who still lets me put them in her hair ;-)
Those boys are too cute with the hair bows and leis. You definitely need to keep that picture to use at some later date -- like high school graduation!
Have fun with the bows! Sarah has such beautiful hair!
Ha, Ha! Those boys must know by now that everything they do is blog worthy! :) Too funny!
Those bows are soooo cute!
Too funny!!! Looks like the boy's are having a lot of fun together! Love the picture's of Sarah, her hair is getting so long! She looks adorable! I love the Irish bow, Jodee is such a clever gal!
Hey -- my husband would love that hairbow, too. You can't get any more Irish than his family.
Love the picture of the boys modeling. Tell them their next step is to move on to hand modeling. Hair models don't typically make as much money as hand models. But they'd have to paint their fingernails...
The photos of the boys is so hilarious, save this for when they have their first girlfriend, LOL!
Love it...hopefully Sarah will enjoy wearing the bows as much as her brother and cousin:)
Bows are so much fun. They really seem to dress up anything and I love the Irish one. Did your shirts come in yet??
Love the pics of Sarah and I agree that if she can get those pictures they will be great blackmail photos later in life!
so cute!!!!! We love bows in this house. Addison has to have her hair done everyday.
The picture of the boys is priceless.
How thoughtful of Jodee...she is just the sweetest person!!
Love the bows....so precious in Miss Sarah's hair...and oh the boys...well they are just the cat's meow!
Oh my gosh - the boys with the bows is TOO hilarious!!!!
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