We are renting a house that we have never stayed in before.......it is always interesting when you book a place online....not being able to see it in person. Since we do have family in the area, we had them do a drive by and everyone said that it looked just fine.....the owner emailed me some pictures so I could see the inside......it is a new place and this is the first year they are renting it out, so I am positive everything will be clean and livable!! They also say that it is only 100 yards from the beach.....I hope it is because with Sarah, we will be hauling a lot of stuff!
This will be Sarah's first official beach week and we are so anxious to see how she reacts to the sand and the ocean water......we are prepared with shovels and buckets and plenty of things to keep her occupied.....not to mention plenty of suncreen to keep her....oh so Irish skin from burning!
The boys are excited to see the rest of their cousins.....they are making big plans to build sand castles, and break out the skim and boogie boards in the water! Nick and Eddie also look forward to the night we go to the concert becuase they get to stay home with my nieces, who are in high school, so they are in charge, but the boys feel like they are home without a sitter....it is a fun night for all!
I am leaving you all with a preview of the Saw Doctors concert we are going to on Thursday night.....as I have mentioned before, this is one of the highlights of our trip each year and we so look forward to it........the pre-party has been planned and the bus has been ordered(no drinking and driving).........the jello shots are sure to be flowing or should I say jiggling....and by the way, I ordered "the shirt" and it will be making its debut the night of the concert!
Be sure to check back......I will be posting our Cape Cod happenings..........not only did I pack the camera, but the video camera is making the trip too........
Have a safe trip tonight! I can't wait to see pictures of Sarah at the beach! Enjoy every second of it!
Enjoy enjoy enjoy!!! Have the best week ever!!!
I will be drooling at all the beach pictures I am sure!!!
Enjoy! Can't wait to see pictures.
Whoo hooo happy vacation to you! Can't wait for updates!!! : )
Enjoy your trip! It is going to so awesome! I can't wait to read all about it!
Have fun!! Can't wait to hear all about it and see your beach photos! To say I am jealous is a bit of an understatment. There are no beaches in Nebraska!
I hope you have a safe and memorable trip!
Is Sarah more excited about her first beach weekend or is Mommy? I could hardly wait to get Bella toes in the sand!!!
Please take lots of pictures and any places you go to that really stand out please let me know. We are 'hoping' to go next September and it will be my first time ever going to the Cape.
Have fun my friend~
You guys enjoy! I have always wanted to go to Cape Cod!
Oh you lucky duck!!!! Have a great trip! I can't wait to hear all about it! Enjoy!
Hi Lisa,
I wish I was going too! I finally had two seconds literally to listen to them and they're awesome. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. We're actually in the process of finding a beach resort to take the girlies too in early October, Sarah will love it! Enjoy! Can't wait to see your pics when you get back!
I so know you guys will have a great time and I can't wait to see some photos....
Have a safe trip and we'll be watching for your first post from the Cape!!!
Have a wonderful time!! I can't wait to see pictures!
Have a great trIP!!
Oh goodness, Lisa! Have a GREAT time. We love Cape Cod! I can't wait to see your pictures!
Have a great time at The Cape! I hope Sarah enjoys her first beach trip - but what's not to love?! I can't wait to see your pics and your video. Enjoy your time away!
Enjoy Cape Cod and your beach vacation! 100 yards from the beach-that is awesome!
Surf's up!
Have a wonderful vacation! We are envious!
Alyson LID 01/27/06
Wait for me... I need to head off to Cape Cod too... now wait... I am off to Colorado in a few days... that will do for now... have a great time...
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