We have only been back to school for one week and I have made two visits to the Pediatrician's office.....tomorrow will be my third!
Last Friday night Nick wasn't feeling well, sore throat and fever....called the doc on Saturday morning and he said they have been seeing a lot of allergies and a lot of strep throat. We took him in....no strep, just a viral infection.....lots of liquids, lots of rest, good as new and ready for school come Monday!
It was actually the perfect weekend to be stuck inside because the weather was horrible....lots of rain!
So, Monday evening when we put Sarah to bed she said, "Belly Hurts Mommy" I asked her to show me and she pointed to the waist band of her pj's....figured it was just the elastic....fixed it and she fell asleep.
Tuesday, she seemed normal...ate breakfast, played, napped.....right around dinner time she seemed extremely cranky and just not herself....she fell asleep, but got up multiple times crying like she was in pain....totally not like her, but two new teeth just started to come in this past week....
Today she was cranky and crying, would not nap and started saying her belly hurt again....this time she was not pointing to her belly...
I called the pediatrician and they said they could see me at 6pm......She was screaming uncontrollably through the exam and I felt so horrible as I held her down on the table.....but the worst is yet to come...they are thinking it is a urinary tract infection...
Tomorrow morning I have to bring her back in....they need to do a Urinary Catheterization......
If today wasn't bad enough...I have to take her back for one of the worst tests ever...anyone who has had one knows they are not pleasant.....
I will not sleep tonight knowing what's ahead tomorrow.....I hate to see my baby in pain....
**UPDATE**We just got back from the dr's.....it was a traumatic experience for both of us. Sarah was scared silly and in pain and I felt as though we were torturing her...it took three of us to hold her down while the doctor tried to administer the test....The first test was unsuccessful, so they had to repeat the procedure!
Thank goodness it is over....now we have to wait.....they are running a broad spectrum culture and it will take two days to get the results. In the meantime, we are treating this as a standard UTI....I hope that is the extent....I did get a little alarmed when the doctor starting talking about running further tests on her kidneys depending on these results...but I am trying to not cross that bridge unless we have to!
Thanks for everyone's well wishes....I will keep you all updated!

Oh my, your poor babies!!!
I will keep Sarah in my prayers tonight. I had really bad UTI's when I was a little girl and ended up having to have kidney surgery. It did fix the problem, however, I know how uncomfortable it is.
Please keep us posted on how your sweetheart is doing. I will be thinking of you all tomorrow.
You poor thing! You have had such a rough week! Glad to hear Nick is feeling better and I hope Sarah's test goes okay tomorrow. I also hope they get a quick diagnosis for her.
Kamree plans to send her a get well package tomorrow!
Oh...it is so hard when a child is sick! I will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope that the test goes okay!
Hang in there. My daughter had one and the ped doctors are great at it and quick!
-Sandy toes
I am soooo sorry...
I will be thinking of you and hoping Sarah gets well soon.
It is awful seeing your babies in pain..
Oh I feel for you. I had Amelia in the ER and they needed to do one. Earlier in the night it had taken 3 nurses just to get the tylenol in her. I was not looking forward to what was to come next...they wrapped her in a blanket arms and all. I held her and the little sh*&t laughed when they put it in. She said it was cold. They only have to have it in there a minute to get enough for the sample.
We'll be thinking of you tomorrow and hoping Sarah does well.
Oh no my heart hurts for little Sarah. I will keep you in my prayers. I will be thinking of you tomorrow please let us know how she is.
Oh, poor baby!!!! (The Tongginator has had three, so we know how it feels.) I'm so sorry. It's the catheterization though, right? It's not the test to see if the UTI effected her kidneys? Because if it's the kidney test, I'm gonna have to cry. RedFish had that done last year.
Oh, no! So sorry your pumpkins have not been feeling well!! Also sorry that they have to do that test. ugh! Ella had a UTI recently..but they just did a urine stick test...can they not do that with Sarah because she is not potty trained?? Just seems like such an unpleasant thing for the poor baby to have to go through! :(
I will be thinking about you guys tomorrow. We will actually be down your way at our ped., but for a well check-up.
Thanks so much for your stopping by. Jodee is a sweetie. Sorry your daughter is not feeling well. Praying tomorrow goes well.
Oh Lisa - I am so sorry - yucky way to begin the new school year. I feel so bad for your babies and their tender loving nursemaid:)
We will keep you front and center of our thoughts and prayers.
Oh poor Sarah! I hope she starts to feel better soon.
Glad to hear Nick is on the mend.
Your poor kids!
Oh, so sorry! Hope all goes well for Sarah.
I hope things go well for her. It's so ironic with today's technology that they can't instead test through a urine/blood sample. I'd never heard of that test but it doesn't sound pleasant.
Oh poor Sarah (and you too). Hope the doctor visit goes ok and she gets some meds to feel better soon! Take it easy.
I'm sorry to hear Nick and Sarah have not been feeling well. I'll say a prayer for Sarah. Ironically, Leila mentioned some symptoms to me this morning that made me think she may be on the brink of a UTI. I wasn't aware they had to do more than a urine test, so I'll be praying for your baby and mine today!! If you can, please post an update when you get back from the Dr. I'd love to hear how she is doing.
Poor Sarah, I will be thinking of her and of you today as she goes through this test. I know it breaks your heart to see the ones you love most hurting and you are unable to kiss away their pain. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs to you and Sarah,
Don't you just love that? It seems like these things always happen right after school starts (with me-last year-second day of school-projectile vomitting in the car on the way to school-l.o.v.e.l.y!). I'm sorry to hear Nick and Sarah haven't been feeling well. Urinary Catheterization - ouch! Sarah will need a special "prize" for enduring this procedure.
Sending good vibes to PA!
Oh no!!!! I am so sorry. Poor Sarah. I hope everything turns out ok. I am thinking of you and Sarah today!
I'm cringing just reading about it. I so know what it's like to hold them down screaming for tests and it is horrible! At least she'll be getting the test done and you'll be able to find out what's bothering her, poor baby. At least Nick is feeling better.
I think my girls are fighting something too and Maddie had little red spots on one foot this morning, the verdicts not out on that one yet and Caitlin's been complaining about her stomach and throat this week, hopefully that will clear up. It's so tough when they're little, good luck at the doctor today!
P.S. LOVE the new blog!
I hope everyone feels better soon. Will be thinking of you guys
I'm so sorry! I will keep you guys in my thoughts! Get better!
PS - the blog looks FAB!!
oh no...sorry to hear about the sick kiddos....I will send positive thoughts and prayers!
Oh my goodness! I am so sorry that you are having such a rough week! Ellie finally went back to school today...she's been sick and so have I.
I'll be saying some prayers for you all!
P.S. I love your new blog look! Very cute!
Here's to hoping you have a healthy household soon!! So sorry that everyone is sick!
The new blog-over looks great!
Hi Lisa!
Just checking in to see how it went today. I am so sorry they had to do the test twice : ( Poor baby!
Hope she is feeling better very soon!!
Your new blog looks wonderful!!!!
OH Lisa. So sorry about the past few days. Poor little Sarah. I can only imagine how hard your day was. I so hope that the test brings peace of mind and that the results are not serious.
Hugs from me and my little ones to yours.
I hope Sarah is doing better. I am so sorry you all had to go through the test...that is horrible for all of you. Please keep us posted.
Love your new look. Very pretty and will be a great pick me up during the final leg of your wait. So hoping that it speeds up for you this fall.
Oh how miserable. :( Poor kiddos. I hope they feel better soon!
OMG Lisa!!!...you plate is over-flowing right now...I hope Nick is feeling better and that Sarah's test results turn out ok. I so know exactly what you are going through. We have a different area to contend with for Francesca, but no matter if it is the front or the back...it still sucks! I am so feeling for you....Please keep us posted...
Oh Lisa, it never rains....comes to mind, i'll keep you guys in my prayers
oh no poor baby : ( I am so sorry. Please let me know how she is doing. I feel horrible for her and for Mommy.
P/S love your new blog look...
Had to check in on your sweet children (and Mommy:).
Thought of you and prayed for you today.
Hope that the weekend brings happy, smiling children with no ailments.
I hope everything is ok with Sarah. Keep us posted. that is the worst when your babies are sick!! I love your new pimped out blog HA HA I need to post some new pictures too.
I am so sorry it was so traumatic. It's horrible to see our kids scared!
I'm sure she'll be feeling better soon.
I went to look at the update so fast I almost didn't notice your new blog design. GORGEOUS!
Poor Sarah. It is so hard watching your baby go through unpleasant medical tests. You feel so helpless. I am glad it is over and she should start feeling better with the antibiotic. Thinking of you and Sarah. Keep us posted.
This sounds very traunatic! I am praying she will be okay!
Please keep us updated. And get some rest!
What a tough experience. I am so sorry for what you both had to go through. I hope you get quick results. Thinking of you.
(Love the look of your blog!!!)
(Thanks for you sweet comment on my post!)
Praying for your sweetie...hope it all turns out well!
I love your makeover on your blog...it is simply wonderful! WOW!
-Sandy Toes
I remember when my son started school. It was around this time a year he always got sick. He was sick one year on Halloween and couldn't go out for candy. He always wanted to be one of those kids that didn't miss a day of school and finally made it in the 5th grade! It will get better.
How did everything go with Ms. Sarah? I have been thinking about y'all and am anxious to hear.
Your blogs new look's great!
Oh my goodness! Sorry to hear about the trouble your going threw. Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
I hate the feeling of being helpless when a little one is not feeling their best.
Hugs Sarah Bear
praying for you :o)
Poor Sarah. It's not fun to get poked and pried. She'll soon forget about the day.
Sorry to hear that Sarah's tests were so difficult. I hope it is just a standard UTI and that medication helps immediately!
I love your new blogover. Rebecca is so talented!!
Saying prayers for you & Sarah today. I hope she is doing much better. I know how hard it is to be a mommy and see your child in pain!!
Poor Sarah! I hope she is feeling better and is on the mend!! I bet that was hard putting her through that. I hope I never have to do anything like that!
it is so awful seeing them in such pain...praying all is well soon,.
i love your blog
blessings to you
(long time reader, first time commenter)
My daughter had to go thru the same thing. She was 3 the first time. We had to do the tests with the radiologist. We found out she has urine reflux. She has been on antibiotics for the last year. It has been a high stress issue at our house. I tell you this, so if she does have to have the tests run, please ask about versaid. We went last week to repeat the test. They gave her the drug and she doesn't remember it at all.
My prayers are with you. I can totally feel your pain. Good luck!
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