Sarah is getting very excited for her first door to door Trick or Treat and Halloween celebration!
This week has been about all things Halloween! We watched the Ch@rlie Brown special last night on TV and we have been reading all of Sarah's Halloween books. Of course her favorite is "The M&M Halloween Treat Book"...go figure:)

Today I pulled her costume out for the first time since we bought it.....it has been packed away in her closet for a long time. She squealed with delight when she saw what I had in my hand! We tried it on just to make sure everything still fits....and we are good to go.

The final countdown is on....Halloween is in two days....Can you guess what Sarah will be wearing for trick or treat?? There is a hint buried in the blog....there was a sneak peak when I first bought the costume!

I am going to take a nap right now, but when I wake up.....I will tell you if you are right!
Sorry for the abundance of photos....went a little camera crazy today:)
Lame guess...but, a pumpkin? Or Corduroy? Or an M & M? WAKE UP...I WANT TO KNOW : )
I am not able to get the day off from work : ( That is our awards ceremony day for the second grading period!
I am SO into the NY idea, though. Email me and let's start planning...whatcha think?
Was it a butterfly?? She looks so sweet in her little Halloween outfit! Hope that you have good weather for trick or treating!
Never apologize for taking lots of pictures of your beautiful girl. You are one proud momma and have every right to be. :o)
We watched CB last night on TV, too. Nothing like watching the classics with the kiddos.
Many blessings as you prepare for Halloween!
So very cute! That girl has such cute clothes!
-sandy toes
Graet pictures!!
I think I remember a bitterfly outfit????
That is supposed to be butterfly!
So cute! Love her Halloween outfit. Amelia's aunt sent her one and the pumpkin carving photos didn't do it justice. We will be wearing it again tomorrow to get better pictures!
CAN NOT WAIT to see Sarah in her costume!! Will Nick be with you this weekend too? Hope so.
I love that Halloween is on a Friday this year. We get to enjoy fun stuff the whole week.
She is going to be Sarah Palin for Halloween?
I predict she's going to be cute and adorable :)
I say she is going to be a CUTE LITTLE PUMPKIN..
Love the pictures.
Have a Great nap and a Great Week.
Sarah is tooo cute..
Love her little shirt..
Hugs girly..
Lisa, she is so darling! ever too many photos!
Well whatever she's going to be for Halloween, she'll be just precious. She's such a cutie!
What cute pictures! I can't wait to see what Sarah is going to be.
Cute pictures! I love, love, love her outfit!
I am looking forward to seeing pictures in her adorable Halloween costume!
I ditto what Felicia said!!!!
When are you going to wake up.
Your my kind of girl...I love my naps!!!!
We watched Charlie Brown tonight! I love that cartoon.
Sarah is too stinkin' cute! I can't wait to see her in her Halloween costume!
Oh Yes! It was a butterfly a pinkish purple one with foil on the wings....you showed us the back but said we would have to wait until halloween to see the front.
Love the pics.
ps..too many is not enough!
I love a puzzle so I had to go scanning..and reading!...your blog 'til I found it. She's going to be a butterly, right? So cute! I am enjoying your blog!
Okay, got it :) Had to search ,but found the pink butterfly....How cute is she:) Can't wait for the front view...
Hope it was a good nap!
oh oh is it a butterfly????? What ever Sarah's costume is, she will be adorable!!! Why don't you just swing over here and trick or treat at my door : )
No idea!! What ever it is it will be CUTE I am sure.
And you been tagged(probably for the quazillionth time!!
I think I remember a winged fairy costume-lots of sparkles!
Have a wonderful time trick or treating with your sweeties.
awww what a cutie. Love her with the pumpkin. I havn't a clue. rofl cherry
Ooh, ooh....I remember
this one. lol! It was a butterfly costume...I remember asking you where you got it. : ) I did not see any clues, though?
Such adorable pictures of Sarah!!!
I love the Charlie Brown Halloween special. *sigh* "I got a rock." LOL!:)
I'm looking forward to seeing her in her costume......
Hi Lisa,
I'm loving all the pics, she's absolutely gorgeous, how could you not want to capture every minute! I remember the wings sneak preview so I'm going for butterfly too.
I'm going to try and do some downloading of pictures tonight, you'll have to tell me how you get those layouts.
Um...a pumpkin? She looks so cute in those photos. You get the greatest little girl clothes! I need to shop where you shop! :)
Not sure about the costume.. but whatever she chooses.. it will be Precious!
There is something about her that reminds me of McKenna..(my little girl)
Can't wait to see the pics!
Adorable pictures! I, for one, don't think you can ever put up too many pictures. I enjoy looking at them so much. That last picture is adorable.
LOVE - Charlie Brown's Great Pumpkin. Sounds like a fun Halloween week at your house. I can't wait to see pictures. :)
She looks adorable in her festive outfit! I see why you took so many photos! Too cute!
Something glittery is my guess.
I remember which one it was I think...I haven't had all of my 1st pot of coffee this morning yet so don't think I'm a nut if I'm way off! I think it was a butterfly? I saw 2 outfits at The C's Place store for Miss Priss and the butterfly one didn't have any tights left in her size. So when I saw your post it looked like the one I had eyeballed. I got the other one~ the flower~ for Caroline. Oooh, Sarah will have so much fun tomorrow hun! I bet Nick is excited to see her reaction, too. I know Bryce is! Loved, loved, loved seeing all the neat photos! And the M&M book? Why, it would be my fav book, too! Smart little lady indeed! Hugs, Les
I can't remember what she's gonna be but I'm sure that no matter what it is, she'll be beautiful and Nick scary!!
I missed the Charlie Brown Halloween special :-( The Disney channel is showing "Halloween Town" over and over and I'm Halloween Town'd out! My favorite one is "My Mom has a date with a Vampire" and they are yet to air it. I also like the "Rocky Horror Picture Show", but I don't think I'll see that one on Disney.
Sarah looks so cute in her Halloween fashion! Enjoy trick or treating tomorrow.
Hi Lisa,
I haven't been blog "visiting" for awhile. Gosh! I've missed alot Your recipes look fantastic! Can't wait to try the red sauce.
Although we now live in SCal, my husband in from PA. Your beautiful autumn pictures bring back memories of visiting his parents at this time of year.
I love that her hair is getting so long! She is just beautiful. Isn't it fun when they start understanding the holiday's?
She is going to be a beautiful butterfly, right? I can't wait to hear all about it! : )
Looking forward to seeing Sarah in her fun, fun costume!
Oh, my memory is very, very bad. I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow to see. Sarah will be adorable in any costume!
And BTW, in scrolling down, I realized I missed your big reveal post. How did I miss your new "do"? I love your new short and sassy brunette look. You look great!!
I think she will be a fabulous little witchy poo!
I'm lovin her pre-Halloween outfit!!!
Cute Cute Cute!!!
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