I took this photo last week with my iPhone just after I got home from work and the girls returned from daycare. Reags had a tough day at school, she had her first accident so they had to go digging for her "emergency outfit", which we gave them last September. It is a size 18 months, and a bit too small but it worked to get her through the rest of the day.
(Note to self, send a new dress that actually fits her:)
The highlight of her day was the visit they got from "Build a Bear". They came to the daycare and for a small fee per student, they got to create their own stuffed animal. Both of the girls were excited to show me what they created. You can see Reagan's lying on the floor in front of her with a few of the accessories by her feet.
After we unpacked bags and both of the girls shared with me their new creations, Reagan followed me upstairs and was waiting for me while I was getting changed out of my work clothes into my usual....yoga pants and a tshirt:) When I came out of my closet and saw her standing there like this completely mesmerized, I grabbed my phone and snapped a quick photo.
I have come back to view this picture many times over the last few days. I think I am drawn to it because it says so much about her day. The old dress, the new bear, her stance, and the fingers in her mouth to sooth herself while she is patiently waiting for Mommy to come out of the closet.
Those two fingers are not in her mouth nearly as much as they used to be, but she still pops them in when she is overtired, having a rough day, or unsure of her surroundings.

When I see her with them in her mouth, it takes me back to the very first moment I laid eyes on her in the civil affairs office in China. Her arm looped around her Nannie's purse while sucking on those two faithful fingers. I know the day will eventually come when she stops sucking on those fingers and I hate to say it, but I will probably miss it.....but at least I will have many many photos to bring back the memories.
So sweet...you lucked out though. Amelia always seemed to need her emergency clothes when we were going somewhere right after work. I never wanted to leave anything nice so it was often a pretty nasty outfit she was in.
How cool that Build A Bear comes right to school...that some good marketing.
The fingers...oh the fingers;) How convenient that her security item is always with her when she needs it:)!
Amelia still sucks her blankie. When she was little I had a bunch she used, now it's a special one. I was washing it Saturday and didn't get it out of the washer fast enough. She was in the laundry room switching loads herself...I thought "What a sweetie!"...she didn't whine for it, she took the initiative to get what she needed! That's my girl!
That's awesome that build a bear came!
That picture just melted my heart and I don't even know her. In the blink of an eye she'll be big and you'll be glad you have this snapshot.
I love this picture. Katie five years later still sucks her thumb. I love the simplicity of this photo and the real life in it.
My daughter sucked those same two fingers and used her other pointer finger to rub her top lip. She is 5 1/2 now and I will say, that I miss it terribly!!! Enjoy!!
Very beautiful thoughtful capture. I love the story that you gave us. Such a sweetie.
So sweet! What a great capture to treasure forever. By the way, we have the same furniture set! Wish we had ordered the king size bed though! Gwen
This post made me cry.
I remember the day in China you first laid eyes on her...
Oh...what can I say except I am so glad your daughter found you...and you have found your baby girl.
Gotta go get my tissues now....
Aw, Lisa, thats a gem of a photo!
It captures normal daily life in a beautiful way. I also love your words in describing it: the old dress, the new bear. But the faithful fingers.
Looking at the other photo, your first glimpse of Reagan, oh my goodness hasn't she changed so much! And hasn't she enriched so many lives so much.
Little darling she is!
One of your most touching photos of Reagan yet! I love the innocence of her look and how those two little fingers have provide her so much comfort and how you have captured it so well. Girl you even make the I-phone pics rock!!!
I agree...I think miss photos of her and those two sweet little fingers as well.
I totally adore all of her photos sucking her fingers!! She is just so precious with those little fingers in her mouth. It's such a unique and signature Reagan thing, I know I'll miss seeing it in her photos when she outgrows it eventually. And btw, I was always guilty of leaving "emergency" clothes way past their outgrown date. ;)
There is something very comforting about a child being able to comfort herself. Better fingers than a 32 ounce bag of chips or a pint of ice cream (my two unfortunate means of bringing comfort to a stressful day). The photo is beautiful.
Awwwwwww, sweet, sweet, Reagan!!! ALL your photos of your precious Angel just warms my heart! This post brought back so many beautiful memories of your journey to Reagan. A journey....we are ALL so blessed that you shared with us:))))
Hope our Angel gets to feeling like herself soon!!
God Bless,
Lisa, I adore that first picture of Reagan. So sweet that she still uses those two little fingers to comfort herself. You'll treasure that memeory for sure. Hoping the days of little Reagan go slowly and you're not too quickly looking back and saying "remember when?..."
Have a great 'week off'!!! ~tara
So so precious! Kiara still rubs her blanket between her fingers when she is overtired or needs to comfort herself & it still melts my heart.
It's a gorgeous photo and speaks volumes. I Ioved it when I saw it on IG. Now that I know the full story I love it even more. ;)
It's a gorgeous photo and speaks volumes. I Ioved it when I saw it on IG. Now that I know the full story I love it even more. ;)
Beautiful pics as always. My girl makes a sucking/clicking noise with her tounge against the roof of her mouth. Really loud when we first came home and now 6 yrs later it has slowly faded to every so quiet noises. I will miss it when it goes away.
So sweet. I love that image of her. it does evoke a lot of feeling and you will treasure it someday looking back. I really need to upgrade my Iphone so I can snap things like that.
Oh my- seeing that image of her so small sure takes my breath. I can't believe how much has happened since then & how many blessings have been bestowed. Amazing! Love that top image too. Perfect perspective.
What a beautiful picture of your sweet girl, it brought me tears. Our little man from China and your Reagan sound so much alike in many ways and this picture made me think of him and how far he has coming in 3 1/2 years...
Wesleigh just stopped sucking her finger...and I'm so sad!!! I know it's healthy and so great that she doesn't need it anymore, but I miss it greatly! I've even tried to encourage her to put it in her mouth...she must think I'm completely insane :)
Love both of these shots!!
What a precious black and white. Wonderful capture. Love that you were able to take a picture of her in the affairs office in China and how well it turned out!
PS. My first born (I call him Sprout on my blog) sucked him thumb right up until Kindergarten. I was really worried he'd do it at school and kids would tease him. Luckily, a few weeks after he started Kindergarten, he just stopped doing it. I think he just had enough things to occupy his time and mind then and he didn't need to do it anymore. Hope that helps!
What a precious, precious moment...
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