A few weeks ago while on pinterest searching for some ideas to use for upcoming photoshoots, I had Sarah in my lap.

We saw a series of photos that was done where the little girl's bedroom was filled with pink balloons.

I was online searching for something to do with a set of young brothers, so this was not exactly what I was looking for....

but Sarah's eyes got very wide and filled with excitement when she saw it.

She asked me if we could try to do something like this here at the house.

It looked like fun and I told her when we had some time, we could give it a try!

Knowing I was on vacation this week, I thought we would give it a shot.

I bought the big bag of pink balloons last Sunday......

and started blowing them up on Monday:)

The original plan was to have two princesses in the tub batting those balloons around.....

but unfortunately the littlest princess was too sick:(

We held out hoping she would feel better and by Tuesday evening, Sarah could no longer wait.

Those balloons were calling her name and she was begging me to let her climb in.

She had SO MUCH FUN that night in her balloon bath!

I think this is the most fun the two of us have ever had with the camera and I believe that comes shining through in every last photo.
Camera: Canon 5d Markiii
Lens: Canon 35mm f1.4 and Canon 85mm f1.2
The settings for the top photo were:
f 2.5
SS 1/250th
ISO 125
These pictures were taken around 7pm as the sun was setting and beaming in the window. The shots with sun flare are real sun flare, it was not enhanced this time:) As for processing, it was on the light side. A little add some drama from Florabella's Classic Workflow Collection along with some slight textures from Sarah Gardner's various collections. Also did a little face work on the close up shots using Florabella's Makeover and Retouch set.
I wish my bathroom would have been white, I think the pink would have popped more against that instead of the beige, but either way, the light is what drew me into this series of photos and of course the sheer joy pasted all over Sarah's face.
As I mentioned in my 4th of July post, Reagan is feeling much better, but while we visited the dr this week, he heard an abnormal sound when he listened to her heart. He scheduled an Echocardiogram which was done at our local hospital yesterday. We are just waiting for it to be reviewed by a pediatric cardiologist and we should have the results early this week. We are hopeful it is a benign murmur and nothing to be worried about..... but I cannot help but let my mind wander as we wait. If you are the praying type, we would appreciate a few prayers on Reagan's behalf. I will keep everyone posted and let you know as soon as we hear back from our dr.

Make sure you pop over to Stef's blog to see more Sunday Snapshots.
What a fun photo shoot! I want Kamree to wake up to lots of balloons on her birthday!
Hope you have a great day!
Oh Lisa... what FUN! Sarah is just radiant! Such a fantastic idea... and you executed it so beautifully :)
So sorry to hear about your littlest baby! I know how scary that waiting for those results can be. Praying it's just a murmur - my two biggest had murmurs as babies (they didn't find Victoria's until she was two!) but they both outgrew them with no issues whatsoever.
Keep us posted on sweet Reagan!
I LOVE this photo shoot! Where did you find the bathing suit? It is darling.
I hope that Reagan's results are good. I will keep her in my prayers.
This is so beautiful!!! Love the light, the color, the balloons and bathing suit! Everything is perfect!! She is always going to remember that day!
Praying for little Reagan too!
Oh my goodness these are fun. She looks AMAZINGLY happy!
Prayers for Reagan. Hope it all comes back fine. Here for you if there is anything at all I can help with.
I can't decide if the 4th photo or the 2nd to last is my favorite. What a wonderfully fun idea!
I hope little Reagan's heart is as healthy...we certainly know it's full of love. Prayers have gone out, and will continue. Please keep us posted.
Oh my--you continue to amaze me!!! those pictures are amazing as always!!! LOVE it!!! Keeping baby Regan in our prayers--keep us posted!!!
I am praying for Regan and for you also.
Beautiful fun photo idea.
Love Teri
Very cool... you have amazing ideas... wish you were here to take some amazing photos of my new Grand-button... he is toooooo cute..
She looks like she's having such a huge amount of fun :-)
For sure a gorgeous session and tons of fun~ I know some other girls that would love a balloon bath. LOL LOVE every single shot! Blessings and love! XOXO
Love Sarah's Balloon bath. The photo's are great and she obviously had a wonderful time and have a fun memory that will last forever.
We will keep you and Reagan in our thoughts and I hope that you hear soon about the test results. Give her a extra hug from Miss Chloe!
Sending good thoughts your way from Seattle. Hope Reagan feels better and she can partake in the sisterly fun soon.
I know this may come as a surprise to you but you are wonderful photographer. These shots are gorgeous and you're right - Sarah's happiness is radiating through. I'm really sorry for the concern you are going through with your little one, I hope it turns out ok.
What a gorgeous photoshoot! These pictures are really lovely!
It was surreal looking at your bathroom...It could be MY bathroom from the style of the tub, tile, paint color and faucet! ;)
Love the idea for pictures!
LOVE these shots of your girl. Just looking at the huge, beautiful smiles it's easy to see she was having so much fun. Hoping and praying for a good report for
Gin =)
Prayers for Reagan. The photos of Sarah are beautiful. Makes me want my kids to be little again. Take those shots now, you will treasure them later! Have you ever tried a program called "Perfect 365"? It is amazing what it can do but works best on raw files.
These are amazing! Love the expression on her face, priceless!!
These are so cute! Love the one with the rainbow in it.
Praying for Reagan! Samie came home from Russia with a diagnosis of PDA, VSD, Pulmanary Stenosis and several other heart diagnoses. By the time we got her to a cardiologist they said they heard a faint murmur but everything had been healed on it's own. Only God!!
Now she does taekwondo, soccer, dance and cheerleading!
Love ya~
Loooove these photos, it looks like so much fun :-)
Gorgeous! Simply gorgeous! It looks like a blast.
WOW! Again you cease to amaze me with your photos!
I wouldn't let it stress you out to much. Most murmurs are nothing to worry about and close up on their own. My daughter has one! My sons closed up by the time he was 4. If they had seen anything on the echo I think they would have told you. Sending blessings your way!
Praying for little Reagan!!! I know it is hard not to worry.
I LOVE these shots and totally want to copy them in our white marble bathroom. I know Kate would LOVE it!!!!
Sarah looks so happy in every one!
This is a fabulous session!!! Sarah definitely enjoyed every minutes of it ;)
Will keep little Reagan in my thoughts...
Have a good week,
Fantastic photos Lisa, Sarah is very obviously enjoying the shoot! That last one is amazing, her eyes literally popping out in excitement.
Hoping little Reagan will be ok (have asked angel Cassiel(heart) to look after her for you. It's hard not to worry when it's your little darling, so ((hugs))
Love this! What fun, what fun!!!
I am sure that my two little princesses would love to do the same exact thing.....
You might have just started some sort of trend. :)
We will definitely keep Reagan in our prayers!!! Love the photo shoot of balloon bath as well!!
You can clearly see why those balloons were calling Sarah's name!
I don't think I could choose a favorite, love the light in the first one but they're all so beautiful.
Praying Reagan is okay, please try not to worry.
The joy is just beaming from Sarah's face....how fun! I pray all is well with your little Reag!
Love and blessings,
I'm keeping Reagan in my prayers.
Kati LOVED these pics!!!
She said...Momma look at the rainbow on her back in pic (#8)
So much FUN for you both!!
Hope Reagan is feeling better...
Hey Lisa- So sorry to hear about Miss Reags- I will be adding her to my prayer journal... but glad she is feeling a little better! These photos are SO cute!!! Now, all I need to recreate this shoot is a cute little girl and a big garden tub... hmmmmm... not missing any of the essential ingredients, am I? ;) LOL! Loved them- as always!! xoxo!!! Brooke
OH MY! Sarah looks radiant. You can feel the joy in these magical photos. What a special time for just big sister and Mom.
Count on my prayers for Miss Reags!
Love & Blessings,
Those pictures are absolutely adorable! Reagan is in my prayers!
Wow -- what a fun time and great idea!!
Praying for your sweet Reags! :)
I love he gorgeous light and radiant joy of these images! What a fantastically fun shoot. Beautiful!!!
Praying for good news for your family. Hang in there Mama.
These are wonderful photos, looks like she had a blast!
And sending prayers your way.....hope you get some good news.
Oh the light... the perfect light! LOVE! Sarah looks like she is in her glory. ♥♥
Praying for your baby girl... keep us posted.
This are UNREAL photos, Lisa! So so gorgeous!!! :)
You are a fun Mum!!! These are brilliant - and she looks like she is having the most marvellous time. Makes me want to a balloon bath. Sending good wishes for the littlest princess.
Simply MAGICAL...I can just hear the squeals of delight from Sarah as she got to be your gorgeous muse for this shoot...I can't believe how much she is growing and how she is more beautiful every single day! Love the pink...the suit, the balloons the light...and that fabulous tub of yours....oh, I would just soak in there every night!
love you,
I can't remember the last time I checked out someone's blog and could NOT STOP LOOKING at the pictures. Simply.... beautiful! And with my favorite song playing in the background. I may stay awhile longer. And I may copy this idea! :)
Such a fun and fabulous shoot. I love the innocence of a favorite childhood pastime...the balloon. It's awesome you have such beautiful light and can do this at home. There is nothing wrong with playful dress up and fun in one's home. Your daughter is beautiful and looks like she had a blast
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