When I took my nap today, Mommy went to one of our favorite stores.....Tar.get.......and look what I found when I woke up.......my very own pool!

This looks like it could be a lot of fun from out here, but I am not so sure I am ready to take the plunge!

With a little help from Daddy, I have mastered the sliding board..............Weeeeeee!!!!!

Mommy and Daddy aren't cutting it, so cousin Aidan saves the day and comes over to splash around with me......as you can see she is so thrilled he has arrived, she almost knocks him off his feet!

Hey Aidan, Do you think we might find any coconuts under that tree?......it is almost snack time and I am starving and I think Mommy and Daddy could use a pina coloda.....they look pretty thirsty!

When we couldn't handle the heat anymore, we came in to relax in the cool air conditioning.........I do not know what I would do without air conditioning in this heat.....We got the kids changed and fed and then Pat read them both a story before they had a nap. As you can see they are hanging on his every last word!
If it is as hot tomorrow, as it was today, you might find us in the baby pool!
Adorable pool and pool pictures! We need to get a pool like that for Kamree since Carson got a BIG waterslide this year, which is way too big for her.
We love Target too! In fact, I need to make a trip soon.
Good grief it is hot here in Georgia too. Blah!
What an awesome little pool!
Man, I want one of those elephant slides! I am sooooo jealous!!
Forget the kids... I want to sit in that pool...
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