This is becoming routine or the new norm for Reagan.
She wakes up, takes off her pjs, and runs into my closet to find something to wear.

There are two things that she always manages to do.......
She puts everything on inside out and on this occasion, it was also backwards.
You can see the tag sticking out in some of the photos:) She also seems to gravitate towards black boots....whether they are cowboy style or high heeled, she loves them!

There is something about being in Mommy's clothes while still sporting the wild bed head look that increases the sass factor in our littlest girl.

She stomped around my bedroom for some time and she was loving every minute of it. At some point she made her way to my book shelf and grabbed a book to carry around with her. Coincidentally, it happened to be "The Lost Daughters of China"......

and she literally stopped me in my tracks when I saw her turnaround clutching it to her chest with this incredible look on her face. As if she knew the stories that were written within that book. I have come to view this photo a hundred times this week. It is definitely my new fav photo of Reagan.......it was completely candid and it tells a story.
The visiting orphans group that travels to Chenzhou every year and spends a week in the orphanage where Reagan lived the first 10 months of her life, just concluded their trip for 2012. They are on their way back to the states today. I have been following along on their blogs, reading the stories of some of these children, and viewing the photos. My heart aches for all of them and I think of how drastically different our daughter's life could have been had she still been there. Feeling extremely thankful and blessed to have Reagan in our lives for so many reasons but at the same time, I wish we could do more for those left behind. If you are in the process of adopting and if you are looking for an older child, I know there are more than a few still waiting in Chenzhou. Click HERE to visit the Team Chenzhou blog. Go back through some of the recent posts and you will see some of the older children that so badly want forever families. If you have any questions or need more information on any of the children you see, you can contact me through email or I believe Shannon, the group leader has her contact info listed on the team website.

She is such a cutie! She has got style, that is for sure! What a touching blog, she is one blessed girl.
I love these images. What an adorable thing for her to do!
so adorable - my little girls LOVE to get in my closet as well!
She's just so cute, isn't she?!
I love your fave pic too, but the one on top of it, with her little fingers crossed, is also adorable.
For sure, your Reags likes her fashion!
Will visit that other blog, even though I know it will make me so sad. All I can do is help in the ways that I can.
I absolutely love this photo! I wonder all the time about what my daughter's life would have been like. I also wonder if she has any memory of China at all.
Shannon was with the same agency as we were and unfortunately, or fortunately for her, she traveled right before us. She is an amazing person and has such a heart for the orphan.
Love ya!!
Such a cutie in her Mom's clothes and boots!
LOVE that photo of her with the China book! So touching and so hard to think of our girls' early times and all the children who still need families.
Hope you have a good weekend!
The exposure on these is stunning... love love love them, and especially the one of her clutching the book. Truth be told, thinking that we now may never be able to bring our girl home, this post has me in tears right now. I also cry for the older ones left behind. I would gladly take one - even two - in a hot minute... but I don't believe the cards are in our favor. Maybe one day... one day...
That girl is too funny...and I love these pics! She did pick a heck of a book! It's amazing! :)
This series of Reagan is adorable! Love the bed head and boots look. She wears it well!
Have a great weekend!
sooo cute!!! love it!
Oh my heavens Lisa- these are so touching. I can see why you would keep coming back to that particular one. It touches so deep! You have an angel there.
Hope you guys have a great weekend!
Love everything about this post!
Have a great weekend, Gwen
By far one of the best captures of Reagan (how is THAT possible-because she has many)! The thoughtful look on her face as she clutches the book just makes you wonder...WHAT ALL DOES SHE REMEMBER?
Lisa, you capture her so beautifully!! You are ONE BLESSED MOMMA!!
These are fabulous! Love the bed head, the boots, and the clutching book tugs at my heart.
Don't you just wonder what she is thinking? Great photos, especially the one where she is holding the book close to her heart.
Awe so precious and amazing
LOVE these Lisa. And I love the story behind it too. These are literally priceless shots.
How do I get the code fro Favorite Friday? I linked to you but could not find the code.
Hehe, I just love all of these. The last one is definitely my fave, like I said on IG, those sweet baby cheeks make me smile. I sure hope they stick around a while longer, I dreamed the other night that Reags and I were playing and she was giggling. Sure hope to make it come true soon!!
Happy weekend, my friend!
She is just so sweet! Reminds me of my little one in my shoes! My little one hasn't tried my clothes yet but I'm waiting! Love the pic with the book; how precious!
I normally mute the computer when I come across webpages with music, but my baby was here when your music started,and he is dancing away to your playlist. Have a great weekend
What a precious little doll!! I love this post ... her playing dress up & that last picture just melts my heart!! xoxo Robin
What a precious little doll!! I love this post ... her playing dress up & that last picture just melts my heart!! xoxo Robin
Only the top four images will load, but they are oh, so cute!! Reagan is getting so big!! She has a new "big girl" look about her. Maybe it's the boots. I feel a little sassy wearing my high heeled black boots, too! lol!
Such beautiful pictures and such meaning with that last one. Beautiful!
Lisa, this post is so touching. First, what an amazing thing you have done for Raegan. We have many friends around us that have adopted sweet girls from China and we admire them all. You have all given them an amazing gift. That last photo speaks so much.
Also - you can be quite proud! Your girl has some rockin' style!!! :D
Beautiful ... and lovely to have found your blog. Now following you :)
Awww. Sweet!
Completely adorable!
She rocks the sass factor!
Love & Blessings,
Little Explorer and Fashioinista! How her face is changing before our eyes...where does the time go?
Beautiful post, and amazing photos. I love Reagan's style, and her "bed head" look is so much like Kerry's was at that age. They seem to have the same texture and bit of wave to their hair.
Gin =)
these are great--but oh that last one!!!!
The light in all of these is incredible, Lisa. And the last image ...Reagan looks wise beyond her years, incredible portrait!!
That last shot of Reagan is killer.
What a beautiful blog! I know I am late, but I linked up anyway. I will be back to look at all your amazing photos and to link up more photos!
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